Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay on The Unique Art Produced During the Renaissance

The renaissance or â€Å"rebirth† was a cultural awakening which spanned from the fourteenth to sixteenth century. A growing interest in humanist traits and classical ideas heavily influenced the art during the renaissance. A growing community of artists provided much needed competition for their profession. The renaissance introduced many different and modern ideas but also remained obedient to classical belief. The unique art of the renaissance spread throughout Europe. Northern European art differed tremendously from Italian art. Art during the early renaissance time period was mostly commissioned by wealthy and powerful families. Ruling families were accepted by the average public. These families commissioned various and lavish artworks.†¦show more content†¦This unique blending of fresh ideas and rejuvenating classical ideas defined Masaccio’s artwork and more importantly the art of the early renaissance. The high renaissance time period introduced the wor ld to arguably its best artists. Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Titian ruled the grand community of artists at the time. Da Vinci and Michelangelo further succeeded because of their versatility. The high renaissance was marked by rival city-states and a continued trend of lavish spenders. Religious and political leaders spent great quantity of money to have their chapels, or any setting appear better than their rivals. Michelangelo’s artwork dominates over any other in the Sistine chapel. The Sistine chapel is the ideal place of where new popes are elected. Michelangelo brought along his love for sculpting in his paintings. There are about three hundred figures on the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, and no two appear the same. Michelangelo’s artwork has an enormous variety of expression. Arguably Michelangelo’s best painting; The Creation of Adam perfectly represents his ideas. God is shown flying through the sky; while Adam is bound to the earth . Beneath the Lord’s left arm appears to be Eve, waiting to be born. The viewer’s eye follows the entire arm motion perfectly, which ends up pointing at Christ’s child face. Michelangelo’s figures differ greatly from Leonardo Da Vinci’s formal poses and gestures. Michelangelo’s figures includeShow MoreRelatedRenaissance Time Capsule1187 Words   |  5 PagesRenaissance Time Capsule Rodney A. Mathis HUM/102 June 2, 2014 Dr. Julie Kares Renaissance Time Capsule As part of my introduction to humanities class, I was required to probe for a concealed time capsule from both the Renaissance and the Baroque ages. Thereafter, I was required to identify at least two examples of art, music, architecture, philosophy, and literature depicted during the periods. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Childs Need for Discipline Essay - 673 Words

Parenthood is the hardest job in the world, but done right it can be the most rewarding. Teaching a child the right way from a young age will pay dividends. A child needs guidelines in which to follow in order to develop into a well rounded adult. Showing the child the right way from the start will make the growing and learning process easier for them. A child taught to use manners as early as they start to talk will use them naturally as they progress through childhood, manners might not be high up on modern day parent’s lists of priorities, but, the concept of manners brings with it also the concept of respect for others, the two go hand in hand. A child who has grasped the concept of using their manners correctly will also have an†¦show more content†¦These children will be more advanced in their speech and knowledge by the time they are ready for school, whereas children who are put out to play or left to their own devices will seek to destruct out of boredom or to gain attention as they know no other way, they will have a smaller vocabulary and their speech may be underdeveloped. These children may also find it difficult to relate to other children and make friendships, often preferring altercation instead. A set bedtime and a good bedtime routine is advantageous to both parent and child as a child who has a routine will go to bed calmly and sleep well with little or no trouble, leaving the parent with much needed ‘me’ time. A child who has not been given a set bedtime or has no routine to follow will resist going to bed and will often create or act up on being made to go to bed, making night times stressful for all. Also the child will not then get the quality sleep or amount of sleep needed for a young child, which as a knock on effect will make the new day also a battle of wills. The parents will also have less or no time to themselves in the evening or night time which in itself can cause resentment. Parents of children who act up in the night time will also find it harder to get night time care for their child if they wish to have a night out causing further resentment. The differences between children with these two different upbringings canShow MoreRelatedThree Categories of Discipline Essays1023 Words   |  5 PagesDiscipline is an essential component of every child’s developmental process. From birth, the primary deficiency of children is their lack of knowledge and understanding of the world. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Basic Facts of Sociology Issues

The Basic Facts of Sociology Issues While the web provides a great selection of similar companies, it might not be simple to select a reliable one. As a result of technological development, social networking services are enhanced. As a consequence, social issues can be raised by the unequal distribution of funding between public schools, including that seen in the usa. Don't forget to select only topics linked to your personal interests. What You Need to Know About Sociology Issues The impacts of domestic violence on children frequently have a long-lasting impact and certain elements help determine the personality development of the kid. Instead, you can perform a study on the impacts of the racial stereotype among teenager in schools. There are a number of methods people use to combat social problems. Throughout the life program, there are social problems connected with distinct ages. Depending upon the portion of earth, that you're conducting a research to analyze the source of poverty, you may find a variety of reasons or causes of poverty. Infectious diseases are often public health concerns as they can spread quickly and readily, affecting huge quantities of members. Essentially, it is a science about how humans interact with one another in society. A Startling Fact about Sociology Issues Uncovered Sociology is a diverse discipline, making use of a variety of theories and concepts. Sociology differs from the remainder of the social disciplines as it is dependent upon statistical data to a substantial extent together with on interpretative assessment and written materials. Sociology is, undoubtedly, a fascinating subject, particularly if you're fortunate enough to find a progressive-thinking professor. Research papers sociology writing ceases to be an issue, assuming that you decide on a topic that inspires you. If you would like to learn how to write great essays on sociology, just take the next steps. Introductions are supplied for every one of the units. Topics of the research might vary greatly. You're definitely anticipated to supply the outcomes of your Sociology analysis or experiment. When there's insufficient relevant info about the subject, it's better to switch to an alternative one. Register now to delight in an excellent social life. Conduct quick background research on the subject. The Basic Facts of Sociology Issues Your knowledge of this question will allow you to cope with giving the explanations for the value of your possible contribution to Sociology. Also, a couple mistakes need to be made for the progress to occur, and everything needs to be questioned for the answers to appear. When picking your social problems topic, don't forget that it's always much better to write about something you're already more or less acquainted with. If only a few individuals are speaking out against it, then it's not a social matter. In the event you would like to understand the practice of essay writing an amazing sociology paper, have a look at the steps explained below. Utilize all you know to reveal your knowledge of the Earth, and bring out good old philosophical theories. Some emerging studies demonstrate that the wellness benefits might be the very same for grape juice and wine. Also worth mentioning is that the custom of discipline is among the most humbling things you can do to help yourself. In such a fashion, you will discover the most intriguing topic efficiently. Thus, bear in mind that in such an important field as environmental sociology, there are several essential things to discuss. The best debates in sports history live on forever because there's never a correct answer in any event. Go to exactly the same place to reply to every topic also.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Society and Culture free essay sample

Societies are groups of people who directly or indirectly interact with each other. While cultures are complexes of learned behavior patterns and perceptions, societies are groups of interacting organisms. The word culture has many different meanings. For some it refers to an appreciation of good literature, music, art, and food. For a biologist, it is likely to be a colony of bacteria or other microorganisms growing in a nutrient medium in a laboratory dish. However, for anthropologists and other behavior scientists, culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns (Dean, 2010, p. 88). Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Culture is a powerful human tool for survival, but it is a fragile phenomenon. It is constantly changing and easily lost because it exists only in our minds. Our written languages, government, buildings, and other man made t hings are merely the products of culture. They are not culture in themselves, for this reason, archaeologists cannot dig up culture directly in their excavations. There are very likely three layers or levels of culture that are part of your learned behavior patterns and perceptions. Most obviously is the body of cultural traditions that distinguish your specific society. When people speak of Italian, Samoan, or Japanese culture, they are referring to the shared language, traditions, and beliefs that set each of these people apart from others. In most cases, those who share your culture do so because they acquired it as they were raised by parents and other family members who have it. The second layer of culture that may be part of your identity is a subculture. In complex and diverse societies in which people have come from many different parts of the world, they often retain much of their original tradition. As a result, they are likely to be part of an identifiable subculture in their new society. The shared cultural traits of subcultures set them apart from the rest of their society. Examples of easily identifiable subcultures in the United States include ethnic groups such as Vietnamese Americans, African American, and Mexican Americans. Members of each of these subcultures share a common identity, food tradition, dialect or language, and other cultural trait that come from their common ancestral background and experience. As the cultural differences between members of a subculture and the dominant national culture fade and eventually disappear, the subculture ceases to exist except as a group of people who claim a common ancestry. That is generally the case with German American and Irish Americans in the United States today. Most of them identify themselves as Americans first. They also see themselves as being part of the cultural mainstream of the nation. The third layer of culture consists of cultural universals. These are learned behavior patterns that are shared by all of humanity collectively. No matter where people live in the world, they share these universal traits. Examples of such â€Å"human cultural† traits include communicating with a verbal language consisting of a limited set of sounds and grammatical rules for constructing sentences, using age and gender to classify people, classifying people based on marriage and descent relationships and having kinship terms to refer to them, or raising children in some sort of family setting. While cultures have these and possibly many others universal trait, different cultures have developed their own specific ways of carrying out or expressing them. For instance, people in deaf subcultures frequently use their hands to communicate with sign language instead of verbal language. However, sign languages have grammatical rules just as verbal ones. People in human society also generally perceive that their society is distinct from other societies in terms of shared traditions and expectations. While human societies and cultures are not the same thing, they are connected because culture is created and transmitted to others in a society. Cultures are not the product of lone individuals. They are the continuously evolving products of people interacting with each other (Stoll, 1998, p. 98). Cultural patterns such as language and politics make no sense except in terms of the interaction of people. If you were the only human on earth, there would be no need for language or government. There has been much debate over what makes a society successful. People must play a part in agreeing to certain laws and in choosing a given leader. If people lose that right, then society won’t function as well. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that without society, human life would be â€Å"nasty, brutish and short†. Man’s natural state, he argued, would be to preserve only oneself. A man without society would steal another family’s food, seduce other men’s wives and kill anyone who got in his way. Of course, the same man would be in constant danger of those things happening to him, his wife and his children. What people needed was a society that would provide protection by subjecting everyone to a set of rules. But the number of governments, tribes, and communities today demonstrate that there’s no single way to form or govern a society (Wildavsky, 1998, p101). A society without an agreed upon code of conduct would be like football without rules or a referee. People will cooperate and commit to a society only as long as they can choose the person who mediates and voice an opinion on the rules. It’s interesting to observe certain things that affect our society. For example, the Internet, there’s no referee, and the rules that govern our interpersonal contact don’t seem to hold much sway. With the anonymity provided by a screen name, people feel like they can say things they wouldn’t otherwise say, things that may even be hurtful or dangerous. You can do everything from order a pizza online to pay your electric bill, some people worry that the Internet will destroy our real societies, as people opt out of participating in real life in favor of participating in cyberspace. On the other hand, some would argue that the Internet has only made our societies larger (Stoll, 1998, p. 154). A person in Chicago, after all, can converse easily with a person in china. It will be interesting to see how much more technology will shape our societies in the future. Cultures in societies are learned. Infants come into this world with basic drives such as hunger and thirst, but they do not possess instinctive patterns of behavior to satisfy them. Likewise, they are without any cultural knowledge. They are genetically predisposed to rapidly learn language and other cultural traits. Newborn humans are amazing learning machines. Any normal baby can be placed into a family on earth and grow up to learn their culture and accept it as his or her own. Since culture is non-instinctive, we are not genetically programmed to learn a particular one. Every human generation potentially can discover new things and new cultures from different societies. The new cultural skills and knowledge are added onto what was learned in previous generations. As a result, cultures in different societies are cumulative. There are many different varieties of culture in our society. They are cultures such as subcultures, dominant cultures and countercultures. Each culture plays a very important role in our society today. Society is the structure of relationships within which culture is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction, and culture is the totality of our shared language, knowledge, material creations, and the rules for behavior (Witt, 2012, p. 50). Culture and society are not the same thing, yet that cannot exist without each other.